Financing 101, 201, 301

We like to know a lot about our customers – preferred markets,
products, terms, options, staff, and more.

Even though we handle all funding details, we also like to help
our customers understand the basics of our business – especially,
easy ways to make options available …

Financing 101:  Make it as easy as possible to buy from you …
Many vendors offer freight through a trusted source to help the customer.
Do the same with funding, simply by asking,
“Would you like payment estimates with our proposal?”
If they answer, ‘no‘, you’re covered … if they answer, ‘yes‘, KMC has you covered.
Make sure you’re not missing an opportunity – or making your customer do
more work to buy from you.
Financing 201:  Add options to every bottom line …
Most of us read proposals from the bottom up … starting with, ‘how much’??
Which do you think would generate more action?
1.  $50,000      or …
2  $50,000 ($1,250/mo)
The buyer will often discuss with boss, partner, etc. before proceeding
– a payment estimate can really change that discussion.
(“maybe we can hire a new guy – and, get that new equipment“)
Financing 301: help the bottom line – in 30 days …
Most products help the bottom line – increasing productivity or efficiency.
But ROI (“pay for itself in just 9 months”) may not bring a final decision,
especially if funds are not available to make the investment.
If you can determine a monthly benefit in real dollars saved/gained, you can
really help your customer make sense of immediate implementation.
If benefit exceeds payment, it’s a no-brainer – no matter how they choose to pay. 
Collaborative thinking is a KMC favorite – we can help with trade shows, marketing pieces,
everyday customer conversations, and simple ways to estimate payments on the fly.